With each foot containing 26 bones, over 30 small joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels, your feet are incredibly complex structures. And when you consider a person walks over 200,000 miles in an average lifetime, thats almost five times around the world, each foot has a lot to do. So it makes sense to take good care of them.
Often neglected, we cram our feet into all kinds of inappropriate footwear such as ill fitting shoes or tight socks and most of us ignore foot pain and other minor foot problems until we are really slowed down.
But its never too late to start to look after your feet and there's a lot you can do yourself. Here is a guide to healthy feet to get you started .... Take good care of your feet.
Don't ignore foot pain or other recurring foot problems, consult the experts.
The Parkgate Podiatry Practice specialises in treating all kinds of foot and lower limb disorders, from annoying fungal infections, verrucae, sprains, injuries and gait problems right through to helping you manage chronic and acute disorders affecting the foot such as diabetes or arthritis ... so your feet will last a lifetime and you can keep going!